Post by bloodink on Oct 27, 2010 15:14:01 GMT -5
Bloodink of ShadowClan
35 moons.
ShadowClan. *using ban leeway bought
Reason For Name:
blood; for where his mother first really saw him, coated in the crimson blood of his father's limp body.
ink; for his inky black stripes.
Previous Names:
Bloodkit, Bloodpaw.
One Sentence Description:
Dashing tabby tom with sky blue eyes.
Bloodink is a cat who, just by glancing at him, you can tell he is a proper tom. He isn't the smallest of cats and tends to have a rather bulky, solid build to him, but really, it is irrelevant, as this tome spend more time making an impact with his personality than his claws. He is a rather lithe tom however, so it probably wouldn't be surprising if he was part windclan down the path somewhere. With long, lean legs that end in rather large, steady paws, he still has a solid look about him, and usually with his head held high, it isn't always easy to point out just how thin he is. With a slightly more pointed face than some with large ears which seem slightly too large for his head, this tom seems to be one of those cats who fits well into his clan's marshy home.
The 'ink' part of this tom's name obviously comes from his pelt, which is best described in layers. the base of his coat is a beautiful rich bark-brown, so it seems rather course in appearance, even if it is quite the opposite. the second layer is the main one, which is a series of thin, close-linging stripes. these almost represent a tiger's pelt, as they run down his limbs and grow to a darker point that runs in a darker stripe along his spine to the tip of his tail and forehead. he has a creamy light tan colouring across his belly though, and his chin is smudges white, like most tabbies. what stands out the most for this tom though, is his creamy soft blue eyes. they are almost icy blue, but softer, more like still, atantic water which is starting to frost-over.
Really, this tom is rather handsome, which is only added to by his wild, untames gaze and slightly ruffled pelt, and the deep scar which runs down his left hind leg.
To those who don't know him well, you could almost mistake Bloodink for not caring about his clan in the slightest. Mind you, he is completely loyal, but he doesn't see the need to press and constantly preach it to everyone else. No, his loyalty when it comes to what he brags about isn't a common thing. However, it isn't worth your tail arguing against him. He has a fierce passion for his clan, which only comes out when it needs to and although he isn't afraid or withdrawn when it comes to addressing the other clans in friendly situations, he won't hesitate to prove his point and mark the clan's borders with tooth and claw. Being the hunter he is however, he tends to disappear whenever border patrols are called and isn't one to fight before arguing with words. But he will still be commonly found on hunting patrols, even though usually it's only when he needs to be. As loyal as he is, he's got a bit of a lazy streak and prefers to spend the time he doesn't have to spend on patrols doing his own thing.
Bloodink has always been one of those cats however, who is part of the centre of attention. It doesn't matter what the conversation is, or the event, he's always there and to ignore him, well, that doesn't happen a lot, even when he wants to be left alone. This tom is a charming thing, and really one of the biggest flirts anyone could possibly meet. Even though he doesn't necessarily break the rules, he bends them and follows his heart, which gives him a bit of a bad-boy façade, that alone is enough to attract she-cats looking his way. Believe it or not, although he will flirt with any she-cat that remotely catches his interest, this tom is really a family guy, it's just finding the right family for him that seems to be the problem. He isn't a hard tom to get along with, and to him, his friends are the most important thing, above his clan and only second to his mate and kits. Oh yes, and his mother. But she just sort of clings on like a bit of dried mud to his tail.
Bloodink can come off as an arrogant, self-centred jerk really. He is always keen to show off just how good a warrior he is and really tends to feel the need to correct and assist others. The only problem with that is when you look at this tom's track history, if he said he did it as an apprentice.. Well, it's best not to listen to him. The easiest way to describe Bloodink is like a kit on cat-mint, seemingly unable to do anything remotely serious at any possible moment. Mind you, he can be serious and responsible, he just chooses not to, and lets his heart and curiosity lead the way. Mind you, it doesn't take much for the right cat to get the serious side out of him, and underneath all his kid-like behaviour, his showing off and his jerk-like façade, there is a loving, sweet, romantic and deeply protective tom who would do anything for anyone who means anything to him.
There is however, one other important part of Bloodink that needs to be brought to light. This tom is a born storyteller. Or liar, if you want to go that far but it's more of a creative license in his books. Really, when you think about it he was born to be an elder, as he is always breaking out into huge, in-depth tales about different events, which over time have grown simply to amuse others but were once the edits of real-life events. He is well known for dramatizing everything and has a way of telling his stories that captures everyone's interest. Maybe that's what also leads to others wanting to be around him, how well he can give a good story, but that's how he is, and whether storytelling is a good thing or not, it's his art.
- sleeping
- telling stories
- watching others
- hunting
- sharing tongues
- fighting
- being ordered arund
- rules
- being left alone
- liars
The Beginning.
For summer, the weather was something strange. A storm was brewing, the clouds darkening the already navy-blue night sky. thunder had been softly rumbling in the distance, and while the clan pulled themselves into the camp before the rain hit, some risked the rain, strolling through the marsh that covered the territory. Firesong had never really been one to strictly follow the rules of the clan and even though she wasn't that far from kitting, her reasoning was that she needed to get out of the camp before she was stuck there for moons. No one argued, as arguing with Firesong was like butting your head against rock, and to make sure she came back in one piece, Stormbreaker wasn't far behind, making sure his mate stayed out of trouble.
Stormbreaker, named for his stormy gray pelt and his ability to knock down enemy defenses, was a big kit at heart, and took the time to try and loosen his mate up but making faces and being stupid. Mind you,it distracted Firesong enough. There was just one problem with that, it meant she temporarily forgot she was expecting kits. They both did. So when she suddenly fell into labour, Stormbreaker tried not to panic. But they were out there alone, and leaving her was the last thing he should do. Yowling out for help was all he could think of doing... and that was what caused his ultimate death. ShadowClan's patrol didn't find them for hours, and when they did, they were greeted with the devastated form of Firesong, lying next to Stormbreaker's dead body, two kits not far off.
The scent of Rogues hung in the air, and it wasn't hard to gather what happened, but even now, no one knows the full story. The only part that really mattered though, one kit survived, lying away from his two deceased siblings, nestled against his mother's stomach, his tabby coat plastered thickly with his lost father's blood...
Kit Moons.
Being not only one of the only kits in the nursery at the time, but also the only surviving kit of his litter, to say Bloodkit was spoiled would be the understatement of the century. Every cat seemed to want to have a chance to talk to the young tom and his mother, however much of a gloat she was after she got over her mate's death, has put it down to all the attention when he was young that really brought about her son's need to constantly be in the view of others. To young Bloodkit however, it was life and really he didn't have anything against meeting all the different cats around him. When he was three moons, just old enough to really spent long periods alone, he would spend all his time in the elders den, listening to their stories. Frankly, his mother told a good story too, another key factor to why he is how he is.
It was only after he was five moons old that the stories about his father started popping up, and when he was almost apprentice age, he decided he needed to make his father proud, and to do that, it meant getting back at those rogues who killed him. Being young and stupid, he snuck out of camp after a patrol and followed them to the border. However, it was bad timing, because this was another of the border skirmishes that the clans went through and he bore witness to the whole thing. Too scared to move once he was actually seeing cats fighting, he just watched, soaking up every one of the details. However, he didn't remain unnoticed for long, and was spotted by one of the trespassers, who took the chase to grab the stunned kit by the scruff.
Bloodkit was, to put it simply, terrified, and although he couldn't move, he processed every little thing about the fight, which seemed to become twisted in his own mind. It was at this moment, his first character really developed, while his uncle, a broad-shouldered gray tom rammed into the enemy warrior's side, and snatched the tabby kit while the other cat was still in surprise. The tom's name was Grayshard and even though he should have taken the kit back to camp, he didn't. The gray tom just sat the tabby back down and took the other warrior on straight up, taking each break he had to explain things closer to the tom from a defending position. This was awesome, in Bloodkit's opinion, and despite how much trouble he go into when the patrol returned home, he couldn't help but look up to his uncle from that moment.
In Training.
It wasn't much of a surprise when Bloodpaw's mentor was Grayshard and really, the young tabby couldn't have been more thrilled at the idea. It gave him time to study his uncle more and seeing as he saw the tom as a perfect warrior, he decided that was how his father must have acted too. The ways young tom minds work. At the time, he put everything he had into whatever the older tom tried to teach him, from hunting to border patrolling. It was relatively early on his talent for hunting really shined through, as it wasn't exactly common for apprentices to be dragged out on the main day hunting patrols.
However, between his hunting and training, along with the patrols he was forced into going along with, he had a lot of free time, or made it so he did, which only lead to trouble. Throughout the whole time he was an apprentice, he broke at last half of the warrior code twice, and was known well for being the apprentice who always crossed the border after rabbits or who aggravated the ThunderClan apprentices into attacking him. He was always dragged out of trouble by Grayshard and Firesong though and punished. But as far as he was concerned, being punished just gave him less time on patrols and more time in the elders den, which was one of his favourite places to be.
It was when he was nine moons old, that he started telling his own stories. It was late one night, after he'd "accidentally run into" one of his least-liked den-mates and knocked him backward into a pile of sharp rocks. He'd been sent to do the elders ticks, and his grandfather from his father's side was out of stories, joking that he'd run out completely. So, while the other two elders slept, he started telling his own, using his uncle as his base for a character named Stormfall, who was like other warriors, but of a night he solved the cases behind how some cats mysteriously died or went missing. Slowly, other cats woke up and before the end of the night he had an audience.
Throughout the next three moons of his training, he shared his stories with more and more cats, mostly the same three, depending on who had heard them and who hadn't, and over time found more stories he could use and more characters to introduce as constants. He had a good memory for his stories however, so he never messed up the details. Some say that his uncle's willingness to listen and let the tom tell tales was what lead to his fighting skills lacking slightly, but the tom could hunt and save his hide and others nearby, and that was all that he needed.
Warrior's Life.
If anyone thought Bloodink would've grown up by now, they were wrong. His antics were still the same, if not a bit more to the rules and his stories remained outrageous. His characters developed, as did his skills over time, but really he was still that same curious kit, though most by that time, only really knew him because of his stories and his bad-boy reputation. To his clan he was a dedicated hunter and fought when he needed to, but was always on the last fighting line. maybe it was just because the leader saw his fighting as weak, or maybe because of how immature he acted. But it was probably for the best, as it meant he had a lot more time to think about his stories.
He was sixteen moons when he took a liking to Goldenflame, a young and rather troublesome warrior. She was one of the cats who listened closely to his stories, and over the following two moons the two became mates. It wasn't long before he found himself a father. Initially, he panicked. He hadn't had a father himself and didn't know what to do or how to act, but when his daughter, the only kit in her litter, was born, everything just seemed to fit into place, and between his duties, he spent as much time in the nursery as possible. That time was limited though, as it was during this time he gained his own apprentice, Lightningpaw, a quiet, quick-footed tom, who seemed keen to learn everything.
It was when Flamekit, his daughter, was only three moons, and he himself twenty four moons that Goldenflame disappeared. No one knew what really happened, except for Bloodink. He'd been coming back from a hunting patrol when he'd see the she-cat moving toward the clan's border and without question, he went after her. Catching up, the two yelled at each other, arguing about the clan and their lives. Goldenflame eventually gave up however and without a second glance back, she threw the tom's heart back to him and left the clan. Since that day, he spent even more time with his daughter. It was while Flamekit was still a kit that his mother moved to the elders den, becoming another face to his board who he ran his stories through first. It wasn't long before Flamekit became Flamepaw and Lightningpaw became Lightningfoot, and being the father and mentor he was, he couldn't have been prouder.
IC Example:
The thing about Dawnfire was that she was never one to speak her mind, so the conscious part of his was honoured she trusted him enough to do so, though thinking about it, it had caused a near-death situation to get them to this point. He didn't miss when she tensed, almost as though she hadn't been expecting to to reply, but then again, Dawnfire wasn't herself so he guessed it made sense. Unconsciously, he started purring softly, but when it reached his active mind, he didn't stop, instead focusing on the she-cat who's nose was buried into his shoulder. She was clearly thinking something through, so he didn't disturb her, but it was during the silence he tried to pull the pieces together in his fatigued state of mind.
It did make sense, he though as he tried to remember her words as she'd joined him in the den. He knew her, and to come and complain at him for being stupid happened a lot, and he'd always wondering why she was always so upset about when he tried to help her. However, she was scared of him going, being injured, just like he was for her. The only difference was he knew he couldn't stop her, while whether she noticed it or not, she had him wrapped around her tail. Those three little words that meant to much, made everything make so much more sense, all the jokes, the arguments, everything. He couldn't help but grin against her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Bloodink. I never should have been upset with you for doing the right thing," A small bubble of pride burst in his chest, a soft chuckle escaping his jaws. Well at least she'd acknowledged that he was at least trying to be a good warrior. "I just don't think I could ever be truly angry with you.” raising an eyebrow, he pulled his head back to look her in the eye. “Oh is that so Dawnfire? I think you just gave away your top strategy of making me thing I'd made you super angry.” He couldn't keep the grin off his face, and he was sure half of that was still the herbs. “I do love you, and I want you to be okay in the days to come; so can you please, take the poppy seeds."
Of course it would come to that. But seeing the look on her face, he would've jumped off a cliff if she'd asked him to at that moment. Concern begun to linger in his gaze again, as how un-Dawnfire she was being, but it was quickly wiped away with her final words. "That way I can kick your tail without feeling guilty when your better." Chuckling, he raised an eyebrow. “Is that a promise?” he meowed, a bit of his old cheeky spark to his voice. However, he didn't argue, and looking at the she-cat, he pressed his nose to hers again, before climbing unstably to his paws. Ignoring the sparks of pain in an effort to make it look like moving wasn't that bad, he limped over to his earlier prepared nest, settling down with surprising ease as the tiredness seeped into his limbs once again.
Looking at the seeds, something dawned on him, and looking at the she-cat, he flicked his tail on the bare patch of moss next to him. “Stay with me,” he meowed simply, a slightly begging look in his face as he leaned forward and licked up the seeds, like she'd told him to, simply showing that he wasn't kidding about much that night. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Dawnfire again, trying his best to give her his most adorable look.
Who Are You?
How Did You Find Us?
-points at smally-
Other Characters:
Cogarkit (cougarr), Elmfrost, Skypaw (skyy), Deimlo